
It’s like 2013 all over again.

Why the surge of interest in Wi-Fi Offload right now?

As discussed in a recent blog post, we have noticed a growing interest in Mobile Data Offloading solutions. Operators of 4G networks that have not yet invested in 5G need the extra capacity as the volumes of video traffic continue to grow and when shutting down legacy 3G networks. Operators of 5G networks are also interested in the same type of solutions but for a different reason. The higher frequencies of the 5G spectrum make it difficult and expensive to provide good indoor coverage.

With Enea Aptilo Service Management Platform (SMP) and equipment based on the latest Wi-Fi 6 and 6E standards, operators can roll out complementing and cost-effective solutions indoors as well as in high-density locations to meet subscribers’ expectations in terms of user experience and quality of service.

In this interview on Wi-Fi Now, Johan Terve, Senior Marketing Director, elaborates on the current drivers for Wi-Fi offload, stresses the importance of seamless and secure connectivity, and explains how Wi-Fi potentially can help operators reduce energy costs.

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