
Enea Aptilo IoT CCS enables

Swisscom to Chase the Long Tail of IoT Customers


Swisscom logoSwisscom is soon launching a solution based on the award-winning Enea Aptilo Connectivity Control Service (IoT CCS), which will make it affordable also for enterprises with smaller numbers of devices to connect through a reliable Virtual Private Network (VPN) connection. The solution will also allow selected traffic to pass directly to the Internet, protected by FortiGate, the next-generation Firewall from Fortinet.

Enea Aptilo IoT CCS Hyperscale Cellular IoT Connectivity Management Architecture

Enterprises turn to mobile connectivity for their Internet of Things (IoT) applications since mobile systems are standardized and secure. However, most IoT applications are either quite basic, requiring only SIM management and connectivity control, or highly advanced and customized for individual customers. Stuck in the middle is the long tail of customers that need value-adding security features, such as firewalling and getting traffic through dedicated VPN connections, at a reasonable cost.

IoT CCS Multitenancy Private APN

Automating setup up of Enterprise VPNs

The Multitenancy Private APN functionality of the Enea Aptilo IoT CCS will allow Swisscom to use a single APN for all its enterprise customers while delivering the traffic in one or many VPNs to each customer. As a result, IoT customers can also set up VPNs to send traffic to their partners, like an SD-WAN rather than a private APN.

From Swisscom’s perspective, the process of setting up a private APN is completely automated as the enterprise customers is handling their own Enterprise VPN setup through an online customer self-service.

IoT CCS Multitenancy Private APN

Delivering a private APN with an enterprise VPN is normally a tedious process for both the service provider and their enterprise customers, which can take weeks to complete.
With Enea Aptilo IoT CCS, we can automate the delivery of VPNs for private APNs through a customer self-service portal.

Philipp Rimli, Product Manager Swisscom.
Automation of Enterprise VPNs

Get the complete picture of the award-winning Multitenancy Private APN functionality of Enea Aptilo IoT CCS in less than 5 min.

Revolutionising the

Maintenance of Private APNs

No device configuration needed when changing APNUsing the Enea Aptilo IoT CCS, Swisscom will not only be able to offer customers scalable and secure IoT connectivity that is easy and fast to set up. It will also be much easier to make changes. With traditional private APNs, customers face complexity when updating each device with a new APN name to change the enterprise VPN destination. Through the Swisscom service, enabled by Enea Aptilo IoT CCS, enterprise customers gain efficiency and control by making such changes centrally in the cloud instead of in each device.

Many IoT projects start small, and the Enea Aptilo IoT CCS can be viewed as the glue that supports enterprise IoT deployments all the way from early trials to large-scale deployments. We are happy to partner with Swisscom and bring more advanced and secure cellular IoT connectivity services cost-effectively to more enterprise customers.

Roland Steiner, SVP and Head of Telecom at Enea.

Unified & Secure

Global IoT Connectivity

Using a single APN also has benefits for global connectivity. For example, service providers can offer a unified global IoT connectivity service across international partner mobile networks, where IoT devices can keep the same IP address and security policies even when their eSIM is connected to a partner network. Moreover, the fact that IoT CCS is hosted as a unique, dedicated instance for the service provider on Amazon Web Services in the cloud makes it easy to scale globally.

Policy-based Local Data Breakout

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